Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Water pipes: Is that dusty?

Suddenly the dry bits of bad tasting dust appear in your water pipes hose. Ouch! It’s making inhalation unpleasant. Sounding too familiar to you? Well, it must be the dusty Glass pipes.

Dust in your mouth can actually ruin your glass pipes smoking session. As you keep on smoking your water pipes, the humid smoke gets condensed in the hose while gathering as a liquid, containing the particles of shisha and flavor, which are in the smoke. And once you are through with the smoking session, if not aired out, this tiny amount of liquid will simply sit in the hose till the water evaporates. Yes it leaves the “shisha dust” behind.  Look deeper into the glass pipes hose. Does it contain metal coils inside them? If yes, then you can be rest assured that the Shisha Dust residue and the water inside will simply hasten the oxidization/rusting of the metal coils process.

Hanging your Water pipes hose up after use helps the liquid residue (or condensated smoke) to drip out of the hose. And if you still have some  dust in the hose, may be a good hard puff of air through the hose will help.  To keep your mouth dust free you can also use the glass pipes filter.

It is when the dust becomes too much of a hassle to clean out from the water pipes it’s better to replace the hose because washing over and over again will simply exacerbate the problem, unless you are using the washable Hookah Hose.  Incredible but true, the washable Glass waterpipes hose can be washed freely without fear of damaging them. Yes, these are being designed to be rinsed through!

Which one to buy from the detail range of water pipes for sale? Well, why don’t you view it as shopping for a vehicle? There are people who searches for the rugged truck, some looks for luxury automobile and there are still some who looks for a cheaper car that’s easier on the wallet. The point is shopping the water pipes is much like shopping for an automobile, as there could be many different “bests” based on your needs. Perhaps you prefer smoking with a large group in a large room. You might  prefer the traditional huge Hookah with 4 hoses. On the other hand the student living in an efficiency apartment might love the Egyptian Furat Hookah for its portability and style. Options are almost endless!

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Glass Pipes smoking: Adding milk for thicker smoke

Well, possibly you have heard this from your friend that adding milk to your Glass Pipes bowl helps in making the smoke thicker. As a matter of fact , this is quite a common theory that putting milk in the Glass water pipes base somewhat makes the smoke richer and rather smooth while creating the ultimate pleasant hookah experience. Well, I agree with you, the idea of putting milk to the bowl is definitely easier said than done.

Yes, there are a slew of issues which actually arise when trying to perfect this method. In case of too much milk in the base it bubbles up into the chamber and the hose. Yes, you have got that right; it’s the same way that you used to blow bubbles in your chocolate milk. Do you remember?

Well, if you simply choose to ignore this and continue your Glass pipes smoking session, you will end up with the milk embedded in the hose. Curiously, when heated the milk entrapped in the hose will turn into cheese. I know you love cheese but the water pipes cheese is AWFUL.

So, what’s the way out?

Yes, there’s a way out. All you need to do is to fill your 1/16 of the hookah with whole milk and the rest with water to ensure that the mixture is diluted well.  Yes, you will finally get the point where the bubbles would be much tamed and wouldn’t rise up and into the hose.  Wait; don’t get me wrong it would be still very bubbly however it would be diluted enough that they wouldn’t rise if you didn’t pull too hard!

What did we learn?

Milk has actually much more to it than mere water.  Milk is made up of water, fats, sugars and inorganic salts and has a much higher absorptive quality than water does. Yes, the glass pipes smoke would be therefore thicker after passing through milk.

Secondly, cow milk and goats’ milk are entirely different things. Filling the water pipes base with goat is much more prevalent in the Middle East.  It emanates richer smoke.

Patience is the ‘key’ to prepare your glass Water pipes. Ask yourself what pleases you the most? What is that aspect which you are looking for in order to enhance your smoking experience? Time to experiment with your glass pipes!

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Glass pipes: Own one for luxury and tradition

You call it Glass pipes, possibly your friend calls it water pipes, they call it shisha or hookah- doesn’t really matters  how you prefer to name it – the innovative range of the glass water pipes typically as the smoking devices are in use for smoking tobacco since centuries. Yes, it reflects the aura of oriental culture, steeped in the historical grandeur of the Indo Arab tradition, the glass pipes actually stands as the ultimate collector’s piece, oozing majesty, luxury, charisma appeal and magic of the long lost scented gardens, perfumed palaces, possibly the spicy smell of the Indian bazaar and certainly the sinuous tune of Arabian belly dance.

Standing tall, standing proudly as an oriental culture, the tradition of glass water pipe smoking has now steadily crossed the geographical boundaries of Asia and Middle East and has now become the ultimate global concept.  Once revered as the Indo-Arab tradition, Hookah smoking has sneaked up on us in the recent years and has steadily etched itself as typically a mainstay of the social scene. No more just as a Middle Eastern pastime but today glass pipes has become an exotic party idea.

Did you ask, “What is so great about Hookah smoking, by the way?“Trust me; it is almost impossible to answer this in one simple line. It’s possibly the feel good factor, the innate attitude which it renders, the smooth feel which actually emanates out of smoking from Water pipes, the out of the world aroma which rises slowly- all these and much more actually adds up  to the charm of this oriental smoking experience. Yes, you have heard that right – they say, ‘it’s out of the world’.

Inspiring workmanship, impressive ideas, teamed with out of the box concept of style statement has actually carried the incredible range of water pipes for sale to a whole new level of seamless perfection. And now with the advent of the internet era, there are many online head shops, offering glass pipes at an incredible rate. And if you are reading this article then by now you know what to look for when you want to step into the shisha world. Yes, a whole lot of matter goes together.

Well, here is some basic information, which comes handy when you have actually made a decision to buy the Glass water pipes.

For the uninitiated, any standard shisha hookah is made up of 9 main parts. Starting from the top the parts are:

1. The tobacco bowl
2. Bowl grommet
3. Pipe tray
4. Pipe stem
5. Hose grommet
6. Air valve and ball bearing
7. Base seal
8. Base bottle, also called the vase or glass jar
9. The hookah hose

To be honest; it has never been easier to buy Hookah than now as there is an incredible range available, at various prices. The  incredible range of e water pipes for sale are now available in an array of style from Egyptian to Syrian, from colossal oriental ones to the mini or the mod models. The online stores will not let you down!

As a final note, if you are actually planning to buy the glass pipes, it is much better to invest on a new hookah.  Although used hookahs try to seduce you with their lower price, however they are simply not worth the bargain! Water pipes do not hold up for very long when not maintained properly and if they are mistreated they do not smoke as well.

Glass pipes: Egyptian, Syrian or customized?

The market is now almost crammed with quality glass pipes for sale. There are many head shops offering quality deals however it is indeed hard to tell you what you are actually getting. Bet, you will be simply lost between Alice in Wonderland and Cheech and Chong. However, to select the Glass pipes, you certainly need to have firsthand knowledge on choosing the best water pipes, which might cater to your need and budget.

Read on to decide on the Glass water pipes

Egyptian glass pipes: These are the traditional type. Practically, these are the kind which you would be able to get at the authentic shisha bars. These are tall, elaborate, ornately designed and offer a wonderful smoke. Yes, I heard you saying – these are awesome! In fact, these are simply great to have around the house. Remember, these are not very easy to navigate around.

Turkish shishas:  Piece of their own category the Turkish glass Water pipes ranges from really small to the extravagantly large ones. These are available in almost every shape from simple and elegant to down to earth, from elaborate ones to absolutely breath-taking!

Lebanese water pipes: You can also find the Lebanese shishas, which are elaborately designed and ornately styled to suit your preference. Usually hand-crafted these are just the piece of art Shiny, yet elegant, your Lebanese Glass water pipes are just the right conversation starter. Yes, they have all of the tassels and frills you'd expect, such as the base being covered with decorational metal work, jewels adoring the bass, colored inlay in your stem and much more.

Syrian hookahs: I bet these are arguable one of the best. Seamlessly designed and wee-crafted, they offer smoke that is almost incomparable. Strong, sturdy, stylish and uncommon these are great to behold and good to own!

Customized glass water pipes: These are the modern hookahs, which stands as the ultimate culmination of old-world style & new-world convenience. With portability as one of the primary factor these glass pipes ideally matches your on-the-go lifestyle.

And now with the online head shops hitting the market hard there is something to choose from the arrays of display cases and shelves jam-packed full of water pipes.  It is now the nest time to make an informed decision.